Kenric and I had lunch at Sushi Zutto in Redlands yesterday. The food was pretty good. Our favorite was the soft shell crab. We had two orders of it. We may even go back tomorrow. We brought some yakisoba for Grandma to try.
Mmmmm…..biru. It’s been a while! The restaurant in in the old train station.
Sushi Zutto
“Grandma, we brought you some yakisoba.”
“Some what?!”
“Yakisoba. Y.A.K.I. Not Y.U.C.K.Y.”
Beef Yakisoba. Not the tastiest, but not yucky.
One of these days, we’ll make Grandma try soft shell crab.
Map of Places Visited
Sushi Zutto
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Sushi Zutto34.058722, -117.182780
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