Our Valentine’s Day card from Grandma was waiting for us at breakfast. I thought about leaving her card on the table last night, but we wanted to see her reaction when she opens it. So, she got her card around 10:00 am. Kenric and I applied a photo filter full of hearts onto a photo of Grandpa, printed it, and included it with the card.
She chuckled when she saw the photo. “Oh, I know him!” I also heard her say “very cute”, which I think applies to her sweetheart and the photo filter. Kenric’s Mom said it was “really cool”. We tried sending it to Kenric’s aunt in Sioux Falls multiple times but failed, so she’ll see it here. Grandma first met Grandpa at a Valentine’s Day party just two blocks from this house. She said she was just thinking earlier this morning that this is the first time she hasn’t spent Valentine’s Day with Grandpa in 71 years. It broke my heart.
We knew this would be a difficult day for her. That was why we planned to make this an OK day for her. For lunch, we made a copycat recipe of Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana. Kenric made that for my birthday ten years ago. Grandma was busy at her sewing machine. The soup turned out great. After lunch, while the cake was cooling, Kenric and I went grocery shopping and Grandma cleared out a few more drawers.
For dinner, we made Cabbage Rolls. The process was quite disastrous. I sent a recipe I found to Kenric many days ago. After I put the ingredients on the shopping list, he said he didn’t quite like it. We found a different one which he liked, but I forgot to update the shopping list! We improvised, and I was feeling quite good again when they were all rolled. Forty minutes into the one-hour baking time, I realized I forgot to cover it with aluminum foil before putting it into the oven! So dinner was delayed by about 20 minutes. Luckily, they were quite delicious. I won’t attempt new recipes on special occasions again.
Kenric’s been excited about his dessert idea for days. It’s spice cake with white frosting and sprinkled with heart-shaped cinnamon candy. He was very proud with the way it turned out. It’s actually really cute; simple but so cute. He immediately hid it above the fridge so that Grandma wouldn’t see it. It was very endearing to see him excited like a seven-year-old to surprise his Grandma. For that, I love him more. When Grandma saw the cake, she laughed, “Oh my!” She thanked us “for a special dinner”.
At around 9:00 pm, Kenric joined her for a Hallmark Valentine’s Day movie. On the chair was the beautiful pillow she made this morning. He lifted it and Grandma said, “That’s your Valentine’s Day present.” Kenric was so happy. Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day, I hope you had a good day.