Dirty Morning
We were kept up all night because of strong winds. The window shutters were slamming back and forth all night. Plastic flower planters from a neighbor further up the hill got blown over, and one went sledding down the long stairs outside our window. The wind itself was noisy enough…
Just after sunrise we woke up to the sound of a city employee sweeping the stairs. I went out to pick up the water dish I left for the cats. I picked up the flower planters too. When the city employee saw me with the planters; thinking they were mine, he fished the plants out of the bin, and dumped the newly swept-up soil back into the planters.
Meanwhile, I started feeding the cats. When he was done, he sat down for a smoke and offered me a cigarette. I declined. I came in and poured him some orange juice. He said, “Thank you, Señorita.” As he got up to leave, I smiled seeing that the neon vest of the guy who just cleaned up the mess says “KOTOR”. If you recall, “Kotor” means dirty in Malay and Indonesian.
I Named her Waxy
Yesterday, I managed to clean big chunks of eye wax off this one cat that just didn’t seem healthy. I named him/her Waxy. I think Waxy is a girl. Near her butt area she has a big patch of matted hair; must have sat on something sticky. I scraped off the eye’s new wax, and started scratching her this morning. She loved it. I think she has been ill for some time. She has scabs, and just seems melancholic all the time. Well, she’s a Kotor cat. When I finally stepped away, she wanted more. She trusts me.
A trust that I will betray just few hours later when I decide to give her a bath! Initially, I wet two socks and wore them like gloves thinking I would wipe her down. When I realized I wouldn’t succeed with my opposable thumbs severely restricted, I told Kenric to let us in and went straight for the bathroom. Of course Waxy was scared; probably her first bath ever. At one point, she was on my back. Kenric opened the door, took a look, and rolled his eyes as he turned and left.
She Knew She Needed a Bath
As scared as she was, it seemed like she knew she needed a bath. She was freaked by the hair dryer too. I didn’t manage to wash out whatever caused the matted hair completely. When I let her back outside I expected her to run away immediately, but she stayed, and started eating the pile of dry food near the front door. So I combed her and she loved it. I guess she just loved being touched and the attention. Then, she rubbed against me repeatedly. She looks a little better already. Her tail is so bushy. Finally, she went down the stairs, stopped where the sun hits, and licked herself. Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to take photos of her during or after the bath.
It was one of the more meaningful days of my life. Thank you, Kenric, for letting me bring Waxy inside even though you are allergic to cats, and for operating the hair dryer while I held her. Thank you for the wonderful dinner and Happy 126 Months!