Always Bring Cat Treats
For two nights, we walked by these three cats sitting along the dimly lit stairs going down the hill back to our hotel. Both nights, their styrofoam container was empty. First night, Kenric didn’t bring his backpack, so no food for kitties. The following day, we couldn’t find any cat food in the convenience stores we went to, but we gave them some cat treats from Kenric’s backpack. We’ve also seen many cats on the street our hotel is on, General Gurko Street.

Today, we went to the grocery store downtown, and bought a few bags of cat food. On our way back to the hotel, my first two friends ran to me once they heard me crinkling the plastic packaging. This grey tabby really looks like our Oscar. He let me pet him two nights ago. After greeting a few other cats, we took a siesta because it was very hot.

I went back out around 7 pm. The old lady who said “Hello” this morning was sitting in the same spot. I gestured that I wanted to pour some food for the cats sitting with her. She nodded and said, “Thank you”. She pointed at each of them and said, “Gary, Jenny, Janna.” That was the extent of our verbal communication.

Feed the Cats
At dinner, there was a kitten in the restaurant. I enticed him out and across the street, and poured him some food. When we left, four happy cats were being fed by a lady seated outside. I hope she tasted her dinner before giving it all away. We went up the stairs looking for the trio. Of course, their styrofoam container was empty. They were very skittish, but ate hurriedly. We’ll fill it again tomorrow.

Later, back on General Gurko Street, a man with a bag was followed by a trail of cats. I asked if he feeds them every night. He does, and he’s been doing so for three months; since he started working with the lumber company nearby. He will return to Germany in a few weeks. He opened containers of wet food, and gave each one a spoonful. Then he tore off pieces of sausage cat treats, and hand fed each of the eight cats. I hope another cat lover will assume his role in a few short weeks.