We took the cable car up to Mount Tampa for a view of the medieval city of Braşov, Romania. I wish we could see it at night, but the last cable car down is at 6 p.m., and it’s a long hike down.
Photo Magnets
At the first lookout point, there was a couple who had a small printer that prints 4 inch by 6 inch photos onto magnets. They offered to take the visitors’ photos, and make the souvenir right there. The female was in charge of printing and collecting money, and the male was in charge of taking the pictures. He hands her the camera memory card and voila! I thought that was pretty neat, and still sellable in this region where many households may still have refrigerators that magnets would stick to.
At the second lookout point, I saw the lady in this photo sitting on the deck dusting her shoes. When she put her shoes back on and stood up, I heard, “OH HONEY, YOUR BUTT IS SO DIRTY!! LET ME SMACK THAT DIRT OFF YOUR BUTT!! SO DIRTY!!” Her man proceeded to smack both her butt cheeks excitedly and loudly. They were enjoying their PDA (Public Display of Affection). I’m pretty sure he’s her Personal Digital Assistant too. Just steps away, a couple was taking what I assumed to be engagement photos. They had two photographers.
As we were approaching the second lookout point, I heard Kenric ask, “Did you lose something?” A very distressed-looking young man coming our way said, “Yes, my bracelet.” I felt very bad for him because the bracelet must have been very important. His girlfriend was with him. Kenric said, “We’ll look too.” “Thank you.”
I thought, “What are the chances of us actually finding the bracelet? Even if we did, what are the chances that we’ll meet this couple again?” We kept our eyes open for the bracelet, but did not find it. Lo and behold, we saw them in town sitting at a window table eating dinner. The window was open, so we asked if he found it. Sadly, no. We ended up eating at the same restaurant. They waved on their way out. I hope their dinner experience was much better than ours.

Asians in Romania?!
Speaking of running into people, I ran into two Asians yesterday. That’s a lot in this part of Europe. I walked past these two Asian ladies who were seated at table, enjoying their beers and I noticed one was pointing me out to the other. I knew what they were thinking. “Oooo, Asian!” I told Kenric, and he looked back. He later described them as amused and excited looking at us. I waved at them. They burst out laughing and waved back.