Hipster Food in Serbia
Hipster establishment, beer I can’t pronounce, burrito, and burrito bowl; nope, not San Francisco. It’s Belgrade, Serbia. The meal came to 1120 Serbian Dinar (USD $11.13).
City Noise
An Evening at the Fortress
Men At Work
One of my favorite photos. I just didn’t expect them to be so smiley. The people here tend to appear a little more stoic, and not showing too much facial expression. I would be too, if my country was just bombed in 1999 (regardless of the reason). Which is why I love this picture so much. They all had their heads down working, and I was focusing on that fire in the background. Then, I realized they had stopped to smile for the picture.
A Trip to Zemun
Cheap Date
Just to prove I’m still on this trip. I’m blushing not because of the handsome musicians, but because I’m on my second glass of vino.